Friday, September 3, 2010


A jog before some egg-yolk sun is

cracked across the sky

breathing even with the drumming of my Asics

velvet morning drape still hanging thick on our globe

the moisture grips to my face and lungs

it will rain

it must

my chest swollen with this joy

I puff out metered whispers

and You answer with stillness in my heart

temptations cannot touch the hour of six-'o-clock

this is our time of simplicity

and You make my way sure

every step


  1. Wow Karin, this is excellent. I felt claustrophobia and frustration strong enough that I had to stand up and take a deep breath after reading it. Praise God your protector has overcome your pursuer and you will stand.


  2. Ha, oops, that last comment was supposed to be for "this again".
    This one's really good too.


  3. thanks gabe :) thanks for taking the time to read them!


for the glory of Jesus Christ

All glory and honor be to God.

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