Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mockers of the Most High

We are Christ's elect-called to excellence. Why are we defiling his name. He is the God of the Universe. Pure. Holy. We bear his name and defile ourselves in his presence. We are his people. We are commissioned to demonstrate his power, justice, and love to those who do not follow him, yet we worship Satan and give him footholds with our actions and words. How will the world see Christ in us if we look like the world? Are we better than the Pharisees who preached and talked of holiness who pushed others to do the same yet in the secret, pursued the cravings of their flesh? We deny and detest the ways of the Pharisees, but can any distinction from their ways be found in our own hearts? We are hypocrites if we preach truth and life but tolerate and rationalize death. And we are misled and weak if we believe what we preach but are being fed by the world. The King is coming. Will he return to a drunk bride? Will he find her dress stained with blood, will he be grieved at her unfaithfulness?

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things."

Let us consider our ways. Let us consider our conversations and the words we speak. Let us consider the movies we watch. Are we bringing glory to the King. Are we living lives of excellence not by the law but our of love for our King? do we really love him? If we love him, we would desire to worship him with all of our hearts-with All of our lives. He does not tolerate sin. There is no darkness in him. "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love." We must turn and repent. Repent of our agreements and tolerance of the spirit of Babylon and Jezebel-of the pursuit of greed and lust and our laughter at both. We are the elect of Christ. He has promised, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Are we bearing his name. Are we living lives of purity.

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