Friday, May 22, 2009

Cattletorph and the Demise of the Meddletorphs

Cattletorph looked upon the land one dee.
Deedle dom de treedle deedle knee
The rain be comin' just a fur as he could see.
Doddle dee tree deedle domdle key
He spake to the Roodles who were melting with the sound.
Heedle fom fe reedle feedle lee
"We better start a'marchin' for the sun has drown."
Homdle feem fo reedle feetle me
But the poor little maidens of Meddletorph town
Codle lom tee hodle troddle ze
Couldn't march too well (for their eedlenorphs were down)
they were floomfed by a lout from the sea

for the glory of Jesus Christ

All glory and honor be to God.

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